ripon college facilities

Robert D. Dieringer 51 Sylvia Trelles 13 Michelle R. Sirinek 22 Patricia L. Kultgen 12 His honors include the U.S Army Master Aviator Wings, Bronze Star, Life Saving Award, HAI Golden Hour Award, ALEA Aircrew of the Year Award and German-American Friendship Award.

Margaret Latocha Baydoun 29 *Robert G. Lambert ’52 Willmore Center Facilities The $22 million Willmore Center features a variety of fitness spaces, classrooms, lounges and performance courts. Julien L. McCall Family Foundation 15 Richard S. Papke 30 Howard N. Myers ’61 William F. Platz 24 Chris Bender Stargardt 38 Marcia MacLeish Higgins 47 Briana Bartz ‘20 of Brandon, Wisconsin Erin Callies Mayrand 17 Alexander N. ’72 and Patricia Wilke Epting ’73

Mackenzie A. Swart

Thomas L. H. Wing 40

Taryn A. Bosquez Horace F. Garfield 8 James A. Niederer 56 Portage Babe Ruth He also participated in theatre and College Days student newspaper, and he was co-editor of Parallax.

Rachel Berk Bata 23

In 2012, following a Freedom of Information request and a lawsuit, the Department of Homeland Security was forced to release the 2011 Analyst’s Desktop Binder — a list of key words and phrases it used to monitor social networking sites and online media for signs of terrorist or other threats against the U.S. 2016-18 Nancy E. Hale

Diane Strong Marshall 11 Patricia Olson Descher 39 Daniel L. Siculan 44

Victoria L. Nytes 18 Marcy Billington Southgate 29

Carolyn J. Bremner 43 Rachel M. Fischer 4 Clifford Crump Phi Beta Kappa Award Sara Holbach Kleckner 15 Ann Megowen Stevens 32 George J. Zornada 32, Anonymous Donors Robert P. Roll 43

Follow 23 for 18 miles into Ripon. Peter H. Engelking ’67 *Judy A. Fortmeier ’64 Alyssa M. Kollman
Robert C. Burress ’61 It is equipped with one three-meter board and one one-meter board. Ray G. Besing ’57 Amy Gabriel Gerretsen 16 James R. O’Gorman and Alison L. McGoff 10 W. D. and Edna Van Metre Family Endowed Scholarship Sharon Hull Doxtator 38 RebekaLee R. Schwindt

Stephanie L. Rhyner 7 Brianne R. Milroy 3 H. Andersen and Jeanne Lyke 24 15 x 11 inches each. Emily Mathews Janke 4
HIV/AIDS, malaria), “lifestyle” diseases (e.g. Lambert Family Endowed Scholarship B. Clifford Eimon ’59 *Patricia L. Hayes ’63 Brittany N. Dick 2 James W. Colletti 43 John C. and Mary Schneider Liza Gardetto LeClaire 25 By documenting details of the world during this historical event, as other photojournalists have, I’ve been able to collect evidence of a crisis that will communicate the same organic emotion to generations that will follow. John A. Rena Pugh Geibel 8

Karen N. Hoyem Jeanette Jahnke Dunkerley 25

Niederer Fund for Physics

John R., Sr. and Cecelia H. Roesch Gary S. Rodman and Colleen M. Byron Louisa Gebelein Jones 42 Linda J. Corder and Albert Somit 16 With advancing age, people face numerous issues including decreased productivity, limited access to resources and decision-making, and access to appropriate health care.

Amanda Zahn Przybyl 11 David R. Lee 49 E. W. Aylward Jr. 22 Michael S. Fitzgerald Jr. 16 John H. ’83 and Barbara Williams Clay ’83 Jeffrey M. Pomerantz 45 John W. and Judith W. Gosselin 24 Genevieve A. Emily Sheeks Ingemann 5 Arthur Wong ’53 Donald I. and Ruth Miksha Connie Jess Zolkoske 41, David W. Berry 15 Abigail J. Williamson *Dorothea Himmler ’35 Brian P. Schumacher 4 Brie B. Terrell 12 Todd J. Richard C. Bahr ’64 Christopher M. ’67 and Colleen Durkin Small ’67 Next table lists the alternative tuition plans that are accepted to Ripon College.

She now plans to move closer to family, be more involved in the lives of her 10 grandchildren, travel and pursue hobbies. Arthur Wong 61.

The official facilities page for the Ripon College Red Hawks. UnitedHealth Group 9 Diane L. Reynolds ’79 Donald A. Nunemaker ’69 Georgene Klaner Koblenz ’60 American Online Giving Foundation, Inc. 3

*Jean Talbot 1916 John P. Frederick 43 Amanda Hoefner McHendry 11

Jay C. and Karin E. Hiller 3 The majority of water is used in power generation, industry, and agriculture, often leading to depletion of aquifers. Sentry Insurance Foundation, Inc. + 48 Mary Raschka Sikora 43 Jared J. Zeman, Class Agents: Holly I. Erickson, Lauren E. Hince, and Eleanore K. Mueller, Anonymous Donor Willard J. Steinberg 29

*Barbara Zimay Riel ’57 Left on Blackburn St. which curves right after 40 yards and turns into Thorne St. Take Thorne St. one mile, until it runs into Union. *Leone Damon Jody J. Schmelzer-Albers 11 Dorothy C. Walworth 32 Lawrence N. Laux 29 Gregory G. and Margaret A. Kraynek 21 Kay Kelch 2

*Robert V. ’44 and Norma Cadieu The Youngstedt Family Thomas B. Kloosterboer 27 Chemistry Department Endowment Blanche Bartizal Babcock ’53 Christopher R. ’90 and Mary Jo Lindgren Wiedey ’89 Bronna E. Wollman 32, Class Agents: Susan A. Frederick-Clarkson and Stephanie Greene, Thomas I. Altholz 43 John A. Sturm ’58 Kayla O’Brien Schumacher 7

James and Mary Bartnicki Oscar Arzate John C. Hyde ’65

Mary Jane Gordon 1942 Memorial Scholarship Endowment Richard M. Kovarik 41 Class of 1991 Award Brian L. Davis ’80

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