slaanesh titan

"The Orders of the Adeptus Titanicus are the iron fist of the Emperor's rule.

Followers dress in robes which are often opened to leave the right side of the chest uncovered, a requirement of many of the rituals involved in Slaanesh's worship. Just as importantly, Slaanesh is also the god of perfection.

To them, battle is but a dance; their garish daemons whirl about one another as they slay the foe in bizarrely choreographed manoeuvres.
Followers dress in robes which are often opened to leave the right side of the chest uncovered, a requirement of many of the rituals involved in his worship. The Questor Scout Titan is a Slaaneshi Titan. For the greater good and the defence of all the Emperor has created, they dictate that each moment of a citizen's waking life be filled with labour, prayer, and punishment. The glades are inviting and serene.

The souls of these lost and damned unfortunates feed Slaanesh's insatiable hunger.

The sights and sounds of the offered pleasures are sufficient to enthrall most who see and hear them.

It does not try to keep others out of its realm.

Higher and higher they reach, climbing trees made of pure gold, even leaping from the boughs, only to plummet back to the ground, fracturing skulls and rupturing organs when they crash.
It is enough to completely disarm any who stand in its presence. The enhanced pleasures and sensations experienced by every soul corrupted by Slaanesh, and all the corrupt things they do to service this need for pleasure, strengthen the Dark Prince in the Warp, where the psychic emanations of such deeds feed the young Chaos God's power. How long before it succumbs to a similar fate?

The Palace of Slaanesh is Slaanesh's realm within the Warp.

Limitless numbers of beings compete for limited resources, creating conflict and strife everywhere. They are lost, and they care little of the fact. Their hope is that some path toward a return to ascendance, or at least a way to avoid their ever-looming doom, can be found.

Subjugator Titan - When the hordes of Slaanesh attack, it is the Subjugator Scout Titans which race ahead of the army. Not one soul has trod upon the grounds of the Palace of Pleasure and returned to tell the tale. While Khorne is a frightful and terrible warrior, Tzeentch's sorcery forces its form to defy mortal logic, and Nurgle is the ultimate embodiment of its own decaying creations, Slaanesh alone is divinely beautiful.

These vehicles are extremely mobile, able to flush enemy out of defenses with their powerful short-ranged weaponry. When battles are won, the returning heroes are held high and showered with praise and adoration. The sensation of consuming those who had created it was a pleasure that few can comprehend.

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