yorkshire jokes money

It is not that we hate people who have been scarred by their failure to be born in the right county.

Thanks forever. 'Sure.' The second is that the stranger was not – amazingly – David Cameron. You would have thought his northern hosts might have forewarned him with the story of a southerner – possibly from Mr Cameron’s own Chipping Norton – who foolishly attended a cricket match between Yorkshire and Lancashire at the very same Headingley ground.When he applauded a particularly fine off-drive, he called out: “Fine shot sir, well played.” He sat back to see that the two men on either side of him – one a Yorkshireman, the other a Lancastrian – were staring at him in amazement. I must, however, confess that there may be a little truth in his assertion that we hate each other. And a joke in Yorkshire is not designed to provoke laughter. I can’t remember his words. You're fortunate to read a set of the 10 funniest jokes on yorkshire.

8 Comments. “This is Yorkshire versus Lancashire – so stop the daft clapping, it’s nowt to do with thee.” If Mr Cameron had known that perhaps he would have been a little more cautious in offering his enthusiastic approval.

The Sibylline Books is a collection of Greek literatures…, The Gnostic Delegation A Short Story by Tony Killinger I remember how the three of us sat in a booth of an old fashioned diner…, Found this post in my email…i have no idea who sent it. This is the joke being banded around by text (and I'm from North Yorkshire, nowhere near round there, it's another language/dialect, even to me). What he said didn’t matter. What shocked us was that he seemed to be under the impression he was entitled to speak. They’re waiting for Happy Hour when drinks are half-price.’. They pay the 40p, finish their martinis, and order another round. It's not bin it's sen lately." Yorkshire folk view themselves as the chosen ones and beam with pride at the stereotypes that come with being from ‘God’s own county’. One says "A girl I met in London gave me a sexually transmitted disease". And to make it worse he said his joke had won the approval of Geoffrey Boycott and Dickie Bird, both of whom have some connection with cricket. He shook his head. I'm followed to and from work every day. Now,the Yorkshire police, the National Security Bureau, Scotland Yard, MI-5, MI-6, the CIA and every other intelligence service in Europe are all watching my house 24x7x365. When he said Chipping Norton (or Guildford, or some other whippet-free zone), they turned on him. Clearly no one has ever told them that mantra which informs every person from my home county: “Hear all, see all, say nowt. The visitor had spoken. The vet says "Is it a tom?"?

Subject: RE: BS: Yorkshire Jokes From: Edthefolkie Date: 09 Mar 10 - 07:28 PM Re Yorkshire care with money, do they still sell those mugs in York Market? Next day comes and the widower returns to the stone mason, ‘There you go sir, I’ve put the “e” on the stone for you.’ Every drink costs 10p. My children are followed to school every day and my wife when she goes shopping. Graeme, the old bartender says in a voice that carries across the room, ‘Come on in and let me pour one for you!

lol. The first is that Giggleswick is only a couple of miles from Wigglesworth – more importantly, both are in the county of Yorkshire. funny shads and i understood every word been a yorkshire man myself! That is not to say that the people of Yorkshire can’t be funny when they put their minds to it though. We don’t hate them at all. I was fed up with being burgled every other day in my neighbourhood.

Southern jokes are not regarded as a legitimate form of communication in Yorkshire. , hey you …i only just come on here…didnt get time for owt lass yesterday…rushed of my plates of meat i was all day hahaha!!!

Else they’ll all be coming up from Guildford with their opinions.”.

(Used to be just off Stonegate). Last Of The Summer Wine was set and filmed in Yorkshire. In no time the bartender serves up four iced martinis-shaken, not stirred-and says, ‘That’ll be 10p each, please.’. Moving me backwards to give himself a clear view of this impudent fellow, he said: “Who rattled thy cage?” Looking slightly alarmed, the stranger replied: “I was just expressing an opinion.” Quick as a flash Jack asked: “Wheer’sta from?” “Guildford,” he stuttered.

Our jokes are not like Cotswolds jokes. They can’t believe their good luck. West Yorkshire Money Limited Company Registration number 11776461. "Nah" he replies "I've got it 'ere wi me", Two men in a bar. I'm followed to and from work every day. The cast: me, a farmer called Jack on my left and on my right a prosperous-looking stranger. True to his word the stone mason calls the widower to say that the headstone is ready and would he like to come and have a look. His mate replies "you were lucky, in Yorkshire you would have had to pay for it!". Home of the Daily and Sunday Express. And as you must all know Yorkshire is as close to paradise as you can get this side of the Dignitas clinic. I was fed up with being burgled every other day in my neighbourhood. What makes it so much worse is that the Prime Minister was on his way to a cricket one-day international at Headingley when he made his comment.

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